Get your 3D printer from the test winner
Original Prusa i3

The Original Prusa I3 MK3S is the successor to the award-winning Original Prusa i3 MK2 3D printer. With the newly designed extruder, a range of sensors and the new magnetic MK52 heatbed with replaceable PEI spring steel printing plate, we are convinced that we have developed our best 3D printer yet!
Original Prusa

Introducing Original Prusa SL1 3D printer based on MSLA printing process. Unlike our FDM machines, this printer uses a high-resolution LCD panel and UV LED to cure thin layers of resin and achieve an unprecedented level of detail.
Original Prusa i3

Introducing our new smart and compact 3D printer with everything you would expect from the creators of the award-winning Original Prusa i3 MK2 and MK3S! With interchangeable spring steel sheets and lots of useful features, the MINI is a big printer in a compact body!
Original Prusa i3
multi material

Original Prusa i3 Multi Material is the unique option for hobbyists to print with up to 5 different materials at the same time. Thanks to 5 feeding systems for materials and only one hotend, this solution is easy to use and does not need to be calibrated. Multi Material is available as an upgrade for the MK3S and MK2.5S!
Our printers have received excellent reviews and awards from around the world. The Original Prusa i3 MK3 is the best 3D printer in "Ultimate Guide to Digital Fabrication 2019" in MAKE: Magazine with the score of 46 points! Our MK2/S is the second and has been at the top of the charts for three years in a row! And the third place goes to Original Prusa i3 MK3 with Multi-Material Upgrade 2.0!