Technical specifications – 3D Material-Shop

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Technical specifications

Dimensions Tiertime UP 300


Weight 30kg
package weight 42.5kg
technology FFF/FDM
extruder Simply
extrusion speed 200mm/sec
print volume 255x205x225mm
Advanced resolution

50 - 400 microns

filament diameter 1.75mm
nozzle diameter 0.4mm in diameter
plateau reversible: perforated, glass / heated
execution UP Studio version 2.5 or later
Supported files .stl, .obj, .up3, .tsk, .3mf, .ply, .off, .3ds
compatible Mac OS 10.10, Windows 7 and later
connectivity WI-FI, Ethernet, USB, USB stick
Extruder max temp 299ºC
Temp. max. from the board 100 degrees
ambient temperature 20 - 30 ° C
storage temperature 0 - 35°C
AC input

240 [V] AC, 50/60 [Hz]

110 [V] AC, 50/60 [Hz]

consumption 220W